

The House adopted their version of the budget in early March and included a $1.5 million one-time increase for the SC Arts Commission to provide COVID relief grants. After the House passed their budget, the state’s Board of Economic Advisors (BEA) released new revenue projections for the state, adding $1.7 billion to the state’s budget, with $385 million of that in recurring revenue. The Senate got to use this new money in their budgeting process.

What’s New

The full SC Senate adopted their version of the state’s budget on April 29. That budget included the recommendations made by the Senate Finance Committee, which provided for the following arts funding:

  • $2 million (one-time funding) for COVID Relief grants. This is $500,000 more than the House version.

  • Increase of $1.5 million (recurring funding) for general operating support grants. The House budget included no new funding.

Why it Matters

These two items fully fund the requests made by the SC Arts Commission back in the fall of 2020, and represents a 67% increase in arts funding from last year alone. Taking out the one-time funding, this is a 27% increase in recurring funding for the arts. Additionally, this takes total grant funding for the arts in South Carolina (recurring funds) from $0.69 per capita to $0.97 per capita. This support also continues a strong reputation for bipartisan support for the arts in South Carolina.

What’s Next

The Senate version heads back to the House who will either concur or non-concur with the Senate. Odds are, this budget is headed to Conference Committee (3 Senators, 3 House Representatives) to work out the differences between the two versions. The Legislature is slated to return in mid-May for one week, and mid-June for two weeks to dispense with the budget and most likely a few other items.

Take Action

1) It’s time to thank your Senator for supporting these increases in the arts. Click below to send them a customized message!

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2) Standby for a potential alert to the House once the budget timeline is solidified.

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