April 23, 2024

Late last night, the SC Senate passed their version of the 2024-2025 budget and included a $1 million dollar increase in funding for the SC Arts Commission.

  • The SC House adopted their budget in March which included a $2.6 million increase in arts funding for the implementation of Regional Arts Hubs throughout the State. Read the update >>
  • Earlier this month, the Senate Finance Committee adopted their recommendation of $1 million for the arts (lower than the House). Read the update >>
What’s New

After 2 days and nearly 2o hours of debate, the budget bill passed out of the Senate by a unanimous vote (with one absence). Their version of the bill maintained the lower level of total arts funding, although the total amount of recurring dollars directed toward the arts is higher than that of the House.

In addition to SC Arts Commission funds, the Senate included $200,000 in one time funds for the building renovations at the Newberry Arts Commission. Both the House and the Senate also maintained level funding for the Department of Education’s Arts Curricula Grants.

What’s Next 
  • The House will read the bill again, and have one more opportunity to make changes before both chambers resolve their differences in Conference Committee and decide on the final bill to send to the Governor.
  • The General Assembly will officially adjourn on May 9th, but can return under a resolution to finish any remaining work on the budget (including conference committee, and responses to vetoes from the Governor’s Office).

Stay tuned for more updates, and be sure to subscribe to become a FREE member to stay in the loop.

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