Your 100% tax deductible contribution of support is crucial to our success.

Individual Membership

Student: $20
Individual: $40
Family: $60
Supporter: $100
Leader: $200
Sustainer: $300
Patron: $500
Friend: $750
Pacesetter: $1,000


Arts Organization Membership

Budget Size  |   Fee
< $49,000: $35
$50,000-74,99: $60
$75,000-$124,999: $85
$125,000-299,99: $100
$300,000-$499,999: $200
$500,000-749,999: $300
$750,000-999,999: $400
$1,000,000-$1,999,999: $500
$2,000,000-2,999,999: $600
$3,000,000+: $700

Business Membership

Supporter: $100
Sustainer: $300
Patron: $500
Friend: $750
Pacesetter: $1,000

Download Membership Form (print and mail your payment to SCAA)

South Carolina Arts Alliance (SCAA) is the state’s primary, private sector arts coalition of arts organizations, educators, administrators, artists, parents, business and community leaders.

  • Developing leadership to advance the arts;
  • Informing public policy development that impacts the arts and arts education;
  • Advocating effectively for public sector support of the arts and arts education;
  • Building and maintaining a base of advocates that are knowledgeable and proactive in support of state and national issues concerning the arts and arts education;
  • Coordinating an effective E-mail Arts Advocacy Network featuring alerts, updates and calls-to-action regarding state and national issues that impact the arts and arts education;
  • Utilizing social media to effectively grow participation in civic engagement and give the arts a broader voice on Facebook, Twitter and the SCAA web site;
  • Hosting the annual S.C. Arts Advocacy Day activities including a Statehouse Rally in the lobby and Legislative Appreciation Luncheon in honor of the Legislative Arts Caucus;
  • Coordinating a South Carolina Team to the annual National Arts Advocacy Day events in Washington DC;
  • Providing technical assistance and leadership as a resource through workshops, advocacy tools, travel/training subsidies, forums and conferences and contract services;
  • Collaborating with diverse local, regional and statewide partners while representing South Carolina with national art service organizations;
  • Winning statewide and national recognition for out-standing leadership in advocacy and service to the field;

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.