The 2017 South Carolina Arts Advocacy Day was a great day for the arts in our state, and it’s all thanks to YOU!

Watch the video below to hear our advocates be introduced in the SC House of Representatives!


Here’s a recap of the day by the numbers:

  • Over 200 Advocates at the Statehouse Rally and Legislative Luncheon.
  • A 100% full Legislative Appreciation Luncheon.
  • 37 Legislators in attendance at the Luncheon (on a day where both the House and Senate had GOP Caucus lunch meetings with the Governor at the same time).
  • 8 new Arts Caucus Members.
  • A strong showing of advocates from the home districts of members of the Senate Finance subcommittee budget hearing for the SC Arts Commission (occurring at the same time as the Statehouse Rally).
  • An Arts Action Alert reaching almost 3,000 people via email, resulting in messages sent to over 50% of Senate districts and over 20% of House districts.

The energy this year was as high as ever, and we have you to thank! Here’s to making the arts stronger in our state!

But our work isn’t done yet!

Here’s what you can do to keep the momentum going:

  • Visit our special legislation tracking page, The Docket, to get the latest on bills and issues that have the potential to impact the arts.
  • Sign up for our Newsletter if you haven’t already.
  • Visit our colleagues at Americans for the Arts and sign their petition for arts support at the national level.
  • Stay Alert! There will be opportunities to voice your support of the arts numerous times over the next few months. Be ready to take action!


A special “Thank You” to the following individuals for making Arts Advocacy Day possible:

SC Arts Alliance Board Members, Legislative Arts Caucus Co-Chairs (Rep. Rita Allison, Rep. Leon Stavrinakis, Sen. Vincent Sheheen, Sen. John Courson), Dr. Fred Carter (President, Francis Marion University), Henry Horowitz (Chair, SC Arts Commission), Ken May (Executive Director, SC Arts Commission), our volunteers (SCAA board members and friends), and Columbia College students.

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