Earlier this month, we told you about the President’s proposal for FY2018, including total elimination of the National Endowment for the Arts. Now, we want to alert to a proposal that could [...]
This past Tuesday, our executive director, GP McLeer, led a team of eleven advocates from across South Carolina to Washington DC to join over 700 arts supporters from around the country for [...]
This morning, President Trump released his executive budget proposal which calls for the elimination of all funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as the National Endowment for [...]
The South Carolina Arts Alliance is leading a team of fellow Palmetto state arts advocates to Washington DC to voice our support for the arts in America March 20 and 21. In what is shaping up to [...]
The SC House Ways & Means Committee reported out its version of the State’s budget late last week. Included in that budget proposal is an increase of $350,000 in recurring funds for the [...]
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