The SC House Ways & Means Committee reported out its version of the State’s budget late last week.

Included in that budget proposal is an increase of $350,000 in recurring funds for the South Carolina Arts Commission (restricted for grant-making across the state).

In a budget year that has many large ticket items on the priority list – infrastructure , pension reform, and education reform being the big three – these increases represent the positive impact the arts have on our communities and a smart investment in the future of our state and the arts industry in South Carolina.

Budget work is not complete yet – the House will begin debating the budget on March 13, and the Senate is still working on their version of the budget. But it’s time to say “Thanks” to our Ways and Means members for their bipartisan support of the arts in South Carolina!


If you are a constituent of any members on the House Ways & Means Committee, we encourage you to take 2 minutes and send a quick “Thank You” to your representative.

Click here to send your message. 

House Ways & Means Committee Members:

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