UPDATE – DECEMBER 20, 2017 After approving their own versions of tax reform, the US House and Senate’s Conference Committee worked out the differences between the two versions [...]
Haven’t you always wondered how teachers knew what to teach? They’re called “standards”, and they’re the backbone of classroom instruction. They provide students, [...]
Join us in Greenville on January 30 for a FREE Lunch & Learn to hear from our friends at CharityProud about best practices for online donor management, and learn about how their SC-grown [...]
The South Carolina Arts Alliance, in cooperation with the Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation and the South Carolina Arts Commission, is announcing a workshop for arts nonprofits on [...]
Register Now! Celebrating 50 years of the SC Arts Commission and 30 years of the Arts in Basic Curriculum Project! Join us on February 6 in Columbia for our annual Statehouse Rally and [...]
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