On their first day back in session, the SC House voted 101-9 to OVERRIDE Veto #24 – Arts Commission. Veto #24 eliminated $350,000, allocated for grants, from the SC Arts Commission’s current budget.

Now the Veto heads to the Senate (most likely January 11) for a vote. A 2/3 majority is required to override a Veto.

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House Vote

Total Aye Votes: 101

Nay Votes (9):

Rep. Arrington
Rep. Bennet
Rep. Daning
Rep. Hamilton
Rep. Hill
Rep. Magnuson
Rep. McCravy
Rep. Putnam
Rep. Rivers, S.

Those Not Voting or Not Present:

Rep. Atwater
Rep. Bedingfield
Rep. Clyburn
Rep. Forrester
Rep. Hardee
Rep. Loftis
Rep. McGinnis
Rep. Moss, V.S.
Rep. Murphy
Rep. Stringer
Rep. Thigpen
Rep. Yow

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