On January 16, the SC Senate voted 44-0 to OVERRIDE Veto #24: Arts Commission, restoring $350,000 in Arts Commission funding for grants, professional development, and rural arts development across South Carolina.
Funds were vetoed by Governor Henry McMaster back in June of 2017. The SC Legislature opted to take up votes on all of the Governor’s vetoes upon their return in January instead of right after they were issued. This gap led all operating support grant contracts awarded by the Arts Commission to have a “Veto Clause”, letting the over 150 arts organizations awarded general operating support grants in FY2018 that their grant funding would be cut by 17% if Veto #24 was not overridden in January.
But upon their return to the Statehouse, the SC House voted 101-9 to override the veto on January 9, and on January 16 the Senate followed suit.
Funding is now restored to all grantees across the state.
Be sure to thank your legislators for their support of the arts by clicking the link below.