After receiving the House version of the budget in late March, on Thursday, April 12, the SC Senate passed their version of the State’s $8 billion budget. On the recommendation of the Senate Finance Committee, the Senate approved a $350,000 increase for the SC Arts Commission out of General Funds for grants, professional development, and rural outreach. Additionally, it approved a $100,000 increase for arts education through Education Improvement Act Partnership Funds for the SC Arts Commission for arts education.

A breakdown of arts funding during this process is below.

The budget now heads to a Conference Committee where the differences between the House and Senate versions will be reconciled. Both the House and Senate approved the $350,000 increase, but only the Senate approved the $100,000 increase for arts education – so stay tuned on ways to help ensure the Conference Committee adopts the Senate’s recommendation for arts education funding!

Arts Funding

Grants / Professional Development / Rural Outreach

Requested by SC Arts Commission: +$500,000

—> House

Recommended by House Ways & Means Committee: +$350,000
Adopted by House (101-6): +$350,000

—> Senate

Recommended by Senate Finance: +$350,000
Adopted by Senate (44-0): +$350,000

—> Conference Committee Report

Recommended by Committee: TBD
Adopted by House: TBD
Adopted by Senate: TBD

ABC Project / Rural Outreach / Arts & Technology

Requested by SC Arts Commission: +$1,000,000

Recommended by Education Oversight Committee: +$500,000

—> House

Recommended by House Ways & Means Committee: +$0
Adopted by House (111-0): +$0

—> Senate

Recommended by Senate Finance: +$100,000
Adopted by Senate (39-1): +$100,000

—> Conference Committee Report

Recommended by Committee: TBD
Adopted by House: TBD
Adopted by Senate: TBD


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