Arts Funding in SC Increased!

House and Senate adopt budget for FY2019. Heads to Governor’s desk.

This afternoon (June 28), both the House and Senate in Columbia voted to adopt a budget for next fiscal year in South Carolina. The budget, approved 30-9 in the Senate, and 84-28 in the House, was adopted after a Budget Conference Committee worked out the differences between the original House and Senate versions of the budget.

Included in this budget:

+ $350,000 increase in General Fund support for the South Carolina Arts Commission for grants, professional development, and rural arts outreach.

+ $100,000 increase for Arts Education through EIA Partnership Funds directed towards the Arts in Basic Curriculum Project grants, Arts Education Partnership grants, and rural outreach. This funding was included in the Senate version but NOT in the House version originally. The Budget Conference Committee kept the Senate version of this funding.


What’s Next

The Governor has five (5) working days, excluding Sundays, to issue his veto messages. That would put a probably notification of vetoes on July 5. The Legislature is not expected to take up any vetoes that are issued until September. We will alert advocates if any arts vetoes are issued via our newsletter and social media.

If no arts vetoes are issued, expect an email encouraging you to thank your legislators for their support!

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