The SC Arts Alliance is happy to announce the second iteration of “A Stronger Bottom Line”, a financial management training cohort program, alongside funding partners the SC Arts Commission and the Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation.
A Stronger Bottomline is a high-level financial management training program for a small number of arts organizations (no more than 10) with budgets under $750,000. The training consists of three sessions, each comprised of a group workshop and one-on-one coaching – all held between September and November (see link below for specifics). New this year is an additional 4-hour QuickBooks training workshop specifically for cohort members during the last session. Sessions are two-days, one for the workshop, then one for coaching.
The training is again conducted by FMA Consultants, a firm that specializes in nonprofit financial management. Total value per organization is well over $10,000. Thanks to our funding partners, the total fee to organizations is only $200.
This program is only open to grantees of the Donnelley Foundation and/or Arts Commission (at least one grant from either), have a budget size of under $750,000, and ideally will have at least two full-time staff. This training is meant to take an organization’s financial management to the next level, and so attendance at each session is required. Attendance by executive director is required, plus attendance by board leadership or finance staff (two people total).
Selection for this program is by application only. The application opens May 13, and closes June 21. Commitment to each training session by staff and other finance personnel is a part of the application. Notification will be made by July 1. Selected organizations will be required to pay a $200 fee.
Details on each session and a link to the application are available by clicking below.