The SC Arts Alliance, the leading arts advocacy organization in South Carolina, seeks a passionate graduate student, pursuing an advanced degree in arts administration or similar creative field, to fulfill one fellowship position for the Spring 2020 semester. This paid three month position will give the student an immersive and purposeful experience in government relations, marketing, event and creative management that results in real world experience and connections that will serve their careers in the future. The Fellow will play a critical role in the management and planning of the SC Arts Advocacy Week, including a legislative action day at the SC Statehouse and statewide arts summit. Additionally, the Fellow will gain experience in government policy, operations, and relations through tasks related to legislative tracking and political awareness. The Fellow will also participate in National Arts Advocacy Day in Washington, DC – assisting the SCAA executive director in planning and attending congressional meetings alongside other South Carolina advocates. Attendance at these events is required (travel provided by SCAA). Lastly, the Fellow will be asked to plan and implement one Creative Gathering, a networking event for creative professionals, hosted at a location of their choice.

More Information / Application Details >>

Application Open: October 2, 2019
Application Closes: October 31, 2019

Fellowship Timeframe: January 8, 2020 – April 8, 2020
Stipend: $1,500


  1. Does the student have to be full-time?
    This Fellowship is open to individuals currently enrolled in a graduate program at a SC university. Eligibility is not based on current course load, however completion of the degree should be imminent. A letter is required from the relevant SC university recommending the student and also stating that requirements for credit are being met with this Fellowship.
  2. What areas are considered “creative fields”?
    “Creative field of study” includes, but is not limited to, arts administration, specific arts disciplines, education, political science, nonprofit management, and business. The main determination for a non-arts-specific degree is based on if the student intends to use the degree to advance a creative career (e.g. arts teacher, district-level arts employee, architect, arts nonprofit, designer, craft businesses, or other creative business). This intention should be noted in the application.
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