There is power in storytelling. Stories help us spark new connections, communicate new meaning, and share parts of ourselves. More than anything else, though, a story makes it personal.
This year, we want to hear your story about how the arts have impacted you. It might be something specific, like your first leading role in High School theater, your child’s artwork hanging on the fridge, or your first live concert experience. It could even be as simple as sharing why you can’t imagine a life without art. We want legislators to know what art means to South Carolina citizens — and show them that the arts are part of everyone’s story.
This is your story, so tell it however you’d like.

But just in case, here are some things to think about:
- What’s your favorite memory involving art?
- How have the arts played a role in your life?
- How do you participate in the arts?
- Why are the arts important to you — and what would you life be like without them?
We’ll pick our favorites and share them each day during Arts Advocacy Week, February 10 -14, 2020, on Social Media, in our Newsletters, and on our Website.
We know that the arts have had an impact — you wouldn’t be on this website if they hadn’t — so share that impact with others and submit a story!
Please send submissions as a document attachment to