Over $5 million for the arts is at stake in the FY2021 budget process at the SC Statehouse. This is Part 3 in a three-part series covering what is included in these requests.

Part 3 – More Opportunity in the Arts

Request: $1 million increase for expandable Arts Grants
Recurring / One-Time: Recurring
Agency: Arts Commission
Funding Source: General Fund

The South Carolina Arts Commission (SCAC) has a mission of
building a thriving arts environment for the benefit of all South
Carolinians. The SCAC accomplishes this most notably through
grants made to organizations in almost every county in the state.

Funding requests for FY2021 would help strengthen the entire
creative sector, a sector with 115,000 jobs and a $9.7 billion impact
to the state’s economy. Grants, rural outreach, professional
development, arts education, and pilot programs for Veterans and
minority-focused arts groups are all strategies to make our
communities more vibrant and economically sound.

The Breakdown

$450,000 for Operating Support Grants

These grants provide arts opportunities for over 150 organizations and provide arts experiences for over $5 million residents and visitors, playing a huge role in local economies. These funds would allow the SCAC to keep pace with the growing number of grant applications, and fully fund the grant formula.

$140,000 for Professional Development

South Carolina artists and arts organization employees deserve professional learning within their career, and these funds allow the SCAC to provide quality training through well respected industry partners.

$110,000 for Community Services Expansion

Rural communities across the state are actively using the arts as a tool for community development. Many of these communities lack the cultural infrastructure, resources, and expertise to consistently employ this tactic, which is where the SCAC has been able to make a tremendous impact. An increase in the funds will help strengthen current programs and expand services to new communities.

$250,000 for Arts Education

The Profile of the SC Graduate clearly states the importance of the arts in our state’s education system. The SCAC has long been a state and national leader in this work, namely through its granting partnership with the Arts in Basic Curriculum Project, and their Arts Education Partnership grant program. For more about Arts Education’s impact and funding needs, check out the Art Education Funding Request.

$50,000 for New Approaches

Intended pilot programs include art therapy programs for veterans and targeted-support for minority led creative projects.

To read more about the request for increased arts education funds, see our Issue Brief, linked below:

Read the Issue Brief>>

Help push for this funding at the Statehouse during our Legislative Action Day held February 13, as a part of the SC Arts Summit.. Register and find out more information by clicking here.

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