The SC Arts Alliance today (May 26) released its Arts Reopening Guide for arts venues and organizations in response to COVID-19. The Guide provides a number of guiding questions to help arts [...]
COVID-19 has dominated our lives since mid-March, but don’t forget that 2020 is also an election year. Everyone knows that it is a presidential election year, but did you know that every [...]
This past week, the SC Legislature returned for brief, socially distant, sessions. Two pressing issues were at hand: the budget and sine die. Budget The State’s budget ends on June 30. The [...]
The US House on Friday (May 15) passed the HEROES Act, their next version of COVID-19 relief. The bill includes $10 million for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for [...]
The SCAA is teaming up with Engenius, a Greenville marketing and web firm, to bring you another set of “Beyond COVID” webinars, this time focused on Marketing. These FREE webinars are [...]
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