If you need a refresher on what happened before this update, click here.


Both the House and Senate have adopted their versions of H.3210, CARES Act Phase 2 funding, with a few minor tweaks – none of which are material to the arts at this time. Quick reminder – the state has $670 million in remaining CARES Act funding from the federal government. This money must be spent by December 30, or be returned to the federal government. These funds have federal restrictions on what they can be used for – COVID-related expenses (not loss of revenue, general operating, etc).

Both versions include a Nonprofit Grant Program. The House version is $25 million and includes the arts as a priority service area and puts an arts representative on the grants panel – the Senate version does neither of those and is $20 million.

Go Deeper: Read our breakdown of the differences between the two versions here >>

The House and Senate have appointed Conference Committee members who will meet early this week and develop a compromise bill.

House Conferees:
Rep. Bill Clyburn (Aiken, Edgefield & Saluda)
Rep. Murrell Smith (Sumter)
Rep. Kirman Finlay (Richland)

Senate Conferees:
Sen. Vincent Sheheen (Kershaw, Chesterfield, Lancaster)
Sen. Thomas Alexander (Pickens, Oconee)
Sen. Tom Davis (Beaufort, Jasper)

Contact your legislator ASAP, especially if they serve on the Conference Committee, and tell them to include the arts in the final version of the bill, just like the House has done already.

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