What will SC’s House and Senate look like after the Election?

There are just a few days left until Election day and the Arts Alliance has put together a comprehensive analysis of the State House and Senate races. As you know, the November General Election will feature the 2020 Presidential race, as well as Federal Senate and House races, and State level races for seats in South Carolina’s Senate and House of Representatives.

Especially now, in the midst of hardships brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic, localized support is essential. Emphasis must be put on the state-level elected officials who will work to support the people and businesses within your district of South Carolina.

To see the candidates who will be on your ballot, follow this link.


Here is the landscape of the state-level races.

State House of Representatives Races:

  • All 124 seats are up for re-election in the South Carolina Statehouse House of Representatives.

  • Republican have the majority currently with 78 party members. There are 45 Democratic members of the House currently and one vacancy in District 107 (a district within Horry, SC).

  • Sixty-five (65) of the 124 seats are unopposed in the November General Election and Districts 34, 88, 96 have an unopposed candidate who will be a new face in the House.  

  • There is a potential for 13 – 70 new members in the House.

  • In order to flip the House majority, at least 44 Democrats would have to win in their respective district races. In order to hold the majority, at least 17 Republicans would have to win in their respective district races.  

Some points of interest:

  • Six Districts (12, 25, 49, 71, 107, and 114) will hold three-way races on the ballot in November.

  • District 49  is holding a three-way race, but only between two candidates. Candidate Johnny Walker is running as both a member of the Republican and Alliance party against incumbent Democratic candidate John R. King.

State Senate Races:

  • All 46 seats are up for reelection in the State Senate.

  • There are 15 unopposed seats.

  • There is a potential for 3 – 31 new faces. The current Senators of Districts 16, 39, and 44 are not running for reelection and will therefore be filled by a new face.

  • Republicans currently hold the senate majority with 27 seats. In order for this to flip, at least 18 Democrats would have to win in their respective district races. For Republicans to keep the majority, at least 15 Republicans would have to win in their respective district races

Some points of interest:

  • One three-way race is being held in District 37 between incumbent Republican Larry Grooms, Democrat Kathryn B. Whitaker, and Libertarian Steve French.

The South Carolina Arts Alliance sent out a survey to candidates of the State House and Senate races addressing their support of the arts in South Carolina.

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