Our annual SC Arts Advocacy Week will run February 7-11, 2022!
Featuring virtual engagements, trainings, celebrations, and the return of our in-person SC Arts Summit in Columbia – SC Arts Advocacy Week is full of opportunities for all creative professionals to raise their voice for the arts.
SCAA Members (join for free) will receive daily emails with advocacy actions and resources right in their inbox each morning.
Here is a summary of the week’s agenda:
Monday, February 7
> Advocacy Basics (on-demand)
Tuesday, February 8
> SC Arts Summit (Day One, Columbia)
– Creative Gathering (Columbia)
– Scottie Award Presentation to Superintendent Molly Spearman (Columbia)
Wednesday, February 9
> SC Arts Summit (Day Two, Columbia)
– Legislative Breakfast & Meetings (Statehouse)
Thursday, February 10
> Arts Education Focus (live-stream)
Friday, February 11
> Creative Impact Beer Release (podcast)
> Carolina Pints & Politics (live-stream)