Arts Grow SC began as a three-year partnership between the South Carolina Department of Education and the South Carolina Arts Commission to help public schools throughout the state address pandemic related learning loss with proven, arts-based learning initiatives. This landmark investment of $20 million allows SCAC’s team of professionals and network of partners to:

  • help schools and teachers fill learning loss gaps in the arts,

  • use arts integration to remediate core subject areas,

  • and provide summer and afterschool learning opportunities that leverage the arts in schools throughout the state.

The SC Arts Alliance is proud to be one of many statewide partners aiming to help achieve these goals for South Carolina, leveraging our existing structure as a statewide network to assist Arts Grow SC in their communication strategies.


Telling the story and impact of this landmark investment in arts education is vital in keeping families, students, and educators informed of everything going on across the state.

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