The News
In news released today (January 19), just one day before Inauguration, The Hill reports that the President-Elect Trump’s staff has been talking with budget staff at the White House and in Congress to begin discussions on funding priorities for the new administration.
In the first hint of what the federal budget may look like under Trump presidency, dramatic changes are in store for numerous federal agencies.
Trump’s preliminary budget plans include total elimination of the National Endowment for the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Humanities, plus privatizing the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
A full executive budget proposal is expected towards the end of Trump’s first 100 days – by the end of April – with a “skinny budget” version out within the first 45 days.
Current South Carolina Congressman Mick Mulvaney (R, SC-5) is set to be confirmed to lead the Office of Management & Budget, taking the reins on helping formulate and execute the federal budget ultimately adopted by Congress.
What Could This Mean for SC?
Current funding for the NEA is $146 million. 40% of all NEA funds are sent directly to state arts agencies – here, the South Carolina Arts Commission. Those funds are matched by state dollars to fund our own state arts agency, which makes grants to organizations across the state, and provides technical assistance and leadership development to artists and arts leaders.
Things to Remember
- Any budget proposal by the Executive Branch is just that, a proposal. Congress ultimately creates and adopts the federal budget.
- In the last budget process, both the House and Senate proposed increases to the NEA.
- The Federal budget process is a long process. While the proposed ideas released today have the ability to impact our field, they are only suggested by transition staff and not a part of a fully-developed budget proposal.
- National arts service groups and we here at the SCAA are working hard to monitor everything going on during this busy transition period.
- We will keep you posted should the need arise to contact Congressional representatives.
How to Take Action
Attend South Carolina Arts Advocacy Day – February 7
When our state speaks with one voice, we carry more weight with our federal leaders. Attending SC Arts Advocacy Day and encouraging more support of the arts here at home allows our Congressional representatives to draw a clear line from NEA funding to impact at home.
Attend National Arts Advocacy Day – March 20 & 21
Americans for the Arts hosts the annual National Arts Advocacy Day each year in Washington, DC. The SCAA leads a team from South Carolina to rally with other advocates, and meet with our state’s Congressional delegation one-on-one to advocate for the arts. If you’re interested in joining us, click below for registration, and be sure to let us know you’re planning on attending so we can get you in front of your Congressman.