Update March 14, 2019: The full House adopted their version of the budget, including the $865,000 increase in arts funding. The Senate now has the budget and will work through their process over the next month or so.

The House Ways & Means Committee adopted the first version of the State’s budget today, February 21 (vote 22-0). The budget includes a $865,000 increase in General Funds for the SC Arts Commission.  (see budget spreadsheet) This is the full amount requested by the agency, and by advocates during Advocacy Day, from the General Fund.

The Committee did not recommend additional Education Improvement Act (EIA) Funds for the arts, funding that would have gone exclusively to arts education. $500,000 was requested. However, it is important to note that teacher salary increases, and other education reform items, are proposed to be funded through EIA Funds. Understanding this landscape, the agency’s budget request included funds within the General Fund portion that would go to arts education, just not at the level requested in EIA.

This funding, if fully adopted by the Legislature and signed by the Governor later this year, will provide additional grant funds for organizations, professional development, rural outreach, and funds for arts education grants and programs. It also funds one additional staff member at the SC Arts Commission. For a full breakdown of the request, read our issue brief.

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What’s Next

  • Full Committee Report heads to full House.
  • House amends / votes on budget.
  • Senate Finance Committee and its Subcommittees develop their version of the budget based on House version.
  • Full Senate takes up Senate version of the budget to amend and vote on.
  • A “Conference Committee” (3 Representatives, 3 Senators) works out the differences between the House and Senate versions, ending with one final budget.
  • Final budget is adopted by House and Senate, sent to Governor.
  • Governor signs budget and issues vetoes.
  • Legislature returns to override or sustain vetoes.
  • Fiscal year begins July 1, 2019.
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