Over $5 million for the arts is at stake in the FY2021 budget process at the SC Statehouse. This is Part 1 in a three-part series covering what is included in these requests.

Part 1 – Strengthening Cultural Facilities

Request: $3.8 million
Recurring / One-Time: One-Time
Agency: Arts Commission
Funding Source: General Fund

The state’s economic forecast has revenues coming in at around $1.8 billion more than expected, with about $1 billion of it in one-time money. The SC Arts Commission has requested $3.8 million in one-time funding to create a one-year competitive grant program that will give arts organizations a way to fund improvements to their facilities.

Arts facilities play a large role in South Carolina communities of all sizes. The arts are a tool for community and economic development, and the facilities that house artistic programs regularly are anchors for downtowns or tourist-heavy areas. These facilities deserve an opportunity to be improved so that citizens and visitors of South Carolina can enjoy our vibrant communities in safe, updated, and comfortable spaces.

In order for these communities to benefit from the impact of the arts, the facilities that house arts programming must be well-maintained. This grant program would provide an avenue for support while continuing to require local matches.

To read more about the request for a capital improvement grant program, see our Issue Brief, linked below.

Read the Issue Brief >>

Help push for this funding at the Statehouse during our Legislative Action Day held February 13, as a part of the SC Arts Summit.. Register and find out more information by clicking here.

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