This country continues to struggle with inequity, racism, and a push and pull between our government and its citizens. George Floyd’s death at the hands of law enforcement is another name in a list too long of unarmed black citizens killed in the process of being arrested.
The SC Arts Alliance stands with our members, artists, arts administrators, advocates, and community members in solidarity against this alarming trend of inequitable treatment under the law that stretches the entire length of our country’s history.
The arts have always played a role in telling the story of the voiceless, the oppressed, and those hurt by injustice. Our curtain call on this role has not yet come. George Floyd’s death, and the too many that came before him, should be a sign for creatives across the country to find ways to use the tools at hand to create justice.
- Form relationships with your local authorities and begin a dialogue.
- Use your programming calendar to highlight issues facing our country and your community.
- Be intentional about the artists you cast, exhibit, or select.
- Be intentional in your hiring practices.
- Create room in your budget for training around racial equity.
- Examine your own organization and find where you lack in diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Don’t shy away from the hard work.
- Vote. Every time.
The arts have stages, microphones, voices – and we also have votes. All of these can be used to create justice in our communities. Yesterday was the best day to start this work, but today is the next best time to start.
June 9th is the South Carolina Primary. Click here for information >>