4 February 2025

Over $10 million in new funding for the arts is on the docket in the FY2026 budget process at the SC Statehouse. This is Part 1 in a two-part series covering what is included in these requests.



Request: $7 million increase in Statewide arts funding
Funding Type: Recurring
Agency: Arts Commission
Funding Source: General Fund


The creative industry in South Carolina supports over 123,000 jobs and provides over $14.1 billion to our state’s economy. The primary tool the state has to support this important part of our economy is through competitive grants to arts organizations offered by the South Carolina Arts Commission (SCAC). As grant requests increase year over year, it is imperative that grants to creative opportunities in all 46 counties in South Carolina be funded at a meaningful level. An increase of $7,000,000 in recurring funds to the SCAC would provide stable and meaningful support for current grantees and new grantees alike. It would also ensure that valuable resources are accessible to every community in our state, especially those in our most rural areas. 


The Breakdown

$3.5 Million for General Operating Support Grants

General Operating Support grants fund organizations throughout South Carolina that contribute to local economies, impact educational outcomes, provide access to local arts experiences, and increase quality of life and livability in their communities. These types of flexible grants allow the organizations to focus on their mission and goals rather than the shifting priorities of funders.

$3 Million for Community Grant Programs

The arts are a powerful tool for community development. In FY2025, SCAC established the new festivals grants program, open to non profit organization and units of government. Grants provide support for a broad range of arts activities at festivals that take place in and have an impact on South Carolina communities, increasing opportunities for public engagement and participation in arts and culture. Demand for this program was overwhelming, leaving many opportunities unfunded in FY2025. Additionally, legislation ratified by the South Carolina General Assembly authorizes the SC Arts Commission to grant official state designation to South Carolina Cultural Districts. This designation does not include a grant program at this time, but additional funding would allow the agency to establish a new grant program for Cultural Districts.

$500,000 for Arts Hub Regions

Established in FY2025, Arts Hub Regions ensure equitable access to the arts across ALL of South Carolina, by providing direct support in local communities. The six Arts Hub Regions are strategically located to ensure access to Arts Commission programming and services across all of South Carolina, and include a regional SCAC office. One-time funding helped get the Hubs off the ground in FY2025, but additional funding is needed to expand and sustain grant opportunities and services.

Read the Full Issue Brief >>

Help push for this funding at the State House during our annual State House Day held February 13, as a part of the SC Arts Day. Register and find out more information by clicking here. Can’t make it? You can still advocate from home during SC Arts Advocacy Week!

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