A lot has been going on in the legislative / advocacy world. We want to get you all caught up, so we’re hosting a virtual legislative update before the Legislature gets back to Columbia for [...]
2020 has brought about a lot of “new” things for everyone. One positive though is the start of our Graduate Fellowship! We began this program in January this year, and have continued [...]
Effective August 3 We will issue another update on this by the end of the week. Today (July 29), Governor Henry McMaster lifted the last restrictions on business closures under COVID-19. This [...]
JULY 28 Federal advocacy continues to be a continuously active front for the SCAA. Here’s a quick update on recent developments. HEALS Act The Senate GOP released their $1 trillion stimulus [...]
A lot has happened the last month or so. The SCAA has been extremely busy monitoring legislative movements, contacting decision makers, and crafting recommendations. Here’s a status report, [...]