AccelerateED Recommendations for Arts Classrooms

In late April, State Superintendent Molly Spearman convened the first meeting of AccelerateED, the Department of Education’s Task Force on school operations in the wake of COVID-19. The [...]

Create Justice.

This country continues to struggle with inequity, racism, and a push and pull between our government and its citizens. George Floyd’s death at the hands of law enforcement is another name [...]

Marketing – Beyond COVID

The SCAA is teaming up with Engenius, a Greenville marketing and web firm, to bring you another set of “Beyond COVID” webinars, this time focused on Marketing. These FREE webinars are [...]

Blog: Farewell, Jeff!

As we say goodbye to our Graduate Fellow, Jeff Robinson, we asked him for some final thoughts about his work with the SCAA. Back in November of 2019, GP briefed me on what to expect from this [...]

The Arts Go Virtual!

During the COVID-19 epidemic, many artists and arts organizations are looking for ways to continue to reach audiences through virtual platforms. In lieu of our usual “Lunch Read” [...]