
Keeping the public informed and engaged about the arts in South Carolina.

Follow Us

We use social media and our website a lot to get the word about the impact of the arts in our state and nation. Follow us at the links below.

The Dive

Our occasional podcast on all things creative. Listen to creative professionals from across the state talk about their process and how they got to where they are.

Arts After Dark

Our networking events are a great way to meet fellow creatives. These events, held around the state about three times a year, are usually free to attend.

Arts Grow SC logo

Arts Grow SC

We’re proud to support Arts Education in our State by serving as the communications partner for Arts Grow SC, a landmark partnership between the South Carolina Arts Commission and the South Carolina Department of Education.

Creative Careers Studio Logo

Creative Careers Studio

Launched in partnership with the South Carolina Arts Commission, this digital resource is designed to help students, educators, parents, and other stakeholders explore career paths in the arts.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.