On March 11, President Biden signed into law the American Rescue Plan (ARP), a $1.9 trillion package. We covered some of the arts-friendly basics in this bill over on our blog, but today we want [...]
Update January 29: SBA has posted their FAQs for this grant (click here), application opening is still TBA. Update January 25: While full guidance has not yet been issued, we have received [...]
Hello Advocates! The legislature returned to Columbia for some days this week and will resume once more next week. Here are three note-worthy topics from this week: Cares Act Phase 2 On Tuesday, [...]
As we say goodbye to our Graduate Fellow, Jeff Robinson, we asked him for some final thoughts about his work with the SCAA. Back in November of 2019, GP briefed me on what to expect from this [...]
Expanded Giving Potential Under the CARES Act With the passage of the CARES Act, various forms of relief are now available to Creative Workers who might desperately need it. Non-profit Arts [...]
House Bill 4657 seeks to expand the tax incentives available to investment and development in Federally designated Opportunity Zones. These special areas were something I first learned about in [...]