The Candidates

Here’s a rundown of everyone running for Governor, Congress, and the Legislature in South Carolina this year. Click on their websites and/or Facebook pages to learn more about which candidate you may support.

All Governor Candidates were sent a “Candidate Arts Survey” in August. Once responses are received, we will post them below.

All SC 124 House seats are up for election this year, however, many races go uncontested.

All US House seats are also up for election this year.

Find your district >>


henry mcmaster

Gov. Henry McMaster

Republican (Incumbent)


Candidate Arts Survey Response: N/A

james smith

Rep. James Smith



Candidate Arts Survey Response: N/A

martin barry

Martin Barry

American Party

US House of Representatives

US House of Representatives

All candidates will receive an “Candidate Arts Survey” by the Arts Action Fund.

1st Congressional District

Katie Arrington (R)
Joe Cunningham (D)

2nd Congressional District

Joe Wilson (R) (i)
Sean Carrigan (D)
Sonny Narang (American Party)

3rd Congressional District

Jeff Duncan (R) (i)
Mary Geren (D)
Dave Moore (American Party)

4th Congressional District

William Timmons (R)
Brandon Brown (D)
Guy Furay (American Party)

5th Congressional District

Ralph Norman (R) (i)
Archie Parnell (D)
Michael Chandler (Constitution Party)

6th Congressional District

Jim Clyburn (D) (i)
Gerhard Gressmann (R)
Bryan Pugh (Green)

7th Congressional District

Tom Rice (R) (i)
Robert Williams (D)
Dick Withington (Libertarian)


SC House of Representatives

All 124 SC House seats are up this year.

You can view who is running for which office by clicking the link below.

View SC House Candidates >>


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